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A.H. v Serbia and North Macedonia – 60417/16; 79749/16

Country Serbia; North Macedonia
Court ECtHR
Relevant Law Article 3, 5, 13, Article 1, 2 Protocol 4
Year 2024
Found for N/A

A.H., a Sudanese applicant, was subject to several summary expulsions to North Macedonia by the Serbian authorities and also to Greece by the authorities of North Macedonia. The applicant returned to Serbia in December 2016. In the same month, the Court granted Rule 39 measures and ordered the Serbian authorities not to remove the applicant. The applicant claims violations of Article 3 ECHR regarding hiw unlawful removal to North Macedonia, deplorable reception conditions and a risk of refoulement to Sudan. He further complains under Article 5(1) and (2) about his detention and lack of access to an effective remedy under Article 13 ECHR in conjunction with both Articles 3 and 5 ECHR. The applicant raises the same complaints under Articles 3, 5 and 13 ECHR concerning his summary expulsion to Greece from North Macedonia.