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K.A. and M.A. v Poland – 52405/21 and 53402/21

Country Poland
Court ECtHR
Relevant Law Article 2, 3, 13, Article 4 Protocol 4
Year 2024
Found for N/A

The applicants are five Syrian nationals, who arrived in Belarus in October 2021 and attempted to cross the Polish
border multiple times. The applicants complain that Polish authorities ignored their requests for international
protection, and they were pushed back over the border back to Belarus multiple times. Furthermore, the Belerusian
authorities proceeded to push them back to the Polish side, leaving the applicants stranded in a forest with no food,
water or shelter in sub-zero temperatures. In case no. 53402/21 the applicants claim they were taken from
Hajnówka hospital and pushed back, despite the fact that one of them could not walk without aid. In
case no. 52405/21 the applicant was allowed to remain in hospital because he had tested positive for COVID-19.